Our cuisine


We love to introduce our guests to our table with tasty and delicious land and sea specialities.

Raviolo with sfusato amalfitano

The authentic flavours of our land explode in this dish in which the Amalfi lemon, the yellow gold of our land, enhances all the components.


From scialatielli to spaghettone di Gragnano, our first courses tell the story of our traditional cuisine. We prepare handmade pasta every day, water and flour for our scialatielli, for a delicious flavour to be enhanced with sea and land sauces.

Fish dishes

The catch of our sea on the table to give you the tastes and smells of our fortunate Maritime Republic.


The Neapolitan pizza, tasty and highly digestible, to discover the flavours of the Campania tradition for a quick and tasty meal.